

  • 6
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:外资企业
  • 公司地址: 上海市 松江区 石湖荡镇 松蒸公路2183号23幢-7
  • 姓名: 克罗森
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信已绑定


  • 所属行业:建材 金属建材 筛网
  • 发布日期:2020-07-17
  • 阅读量:68
  • 价格:1000.00 元/个 起
  • 产品规格:不限
  • 产品数量:9999.00 个
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:上海松江石湖荡  
  • 关键词:美国抗震支吊架


    克罗森集团在华设有事务中心,负责在华市场的各项技术支持、售后服务,销售等工作。公司在上海、北京、深圳、广州、杭州、南京、天津、昆明、成都、西安、武汉、乌鲁木齐设有联络处和售后服务中心,为在华的客户提供快捷技术和服务。诚信是我们的立身之本,始终信守承诺,坚持诚实、正直、负责任的原则、积极履行企业社会责任,以道德标准行事。我们坚持以客户为中心,为用户提供高质量、放心的技术服务。亲和友善与微笑服务,使我们赢得客户满意的关键。Crosen Group has a service center in China, which is responsible for various technical support, after-sales service and sales in the Chinese market. The company has liaison offices and after-sales service centers in Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Tianjin, Kunming, Chengdu, Xi' an, Wuhan and Urumqi to provide fast technology and services to customers in China. Honesty is our foundation. We always keep our promise, adhere to the principles of honesty, integrity and responsibility, actively fulfill our corporate social responsibility and act according to ethical standards. We insist on taking customers as the center and provide high-quality and assured technical services for users. Affinity, friendliness and smiling service are the key to win customer satisfaction.
    CROSEN Anti-seismic Solution:
    装配式管道支吊架、光伏支架、机电抗震支吊架、综合管廊支架、预埋槽、哈芬槽、托臂、消防机电系统、行业设计规范的咨询及服务等。该产品高效、环保、节能、安装方便、能大量节省现场安装时间和人工成本;广泛用于汽车制造、电力、核电、**、石油化工、冶金、交通、矿山、水利、机场、铁路、消防、暖通、高层建筑及城市综合体等领域。Assembled pipe support and hanger, photovoltaic support, mechanical and electrical anti-seismic support and hanger, comprehensive pipe gallery support, embedded slot, Hafen slot, bracket, fire protection mechanical and electrical system, industry design standards consulting and service, etc. The product is efficient, environmentally friendly, energy-saving, easy to install, and can save a lot of installation time and labor costs on site. It is widely used in automobile manufacturing, electric power, nuclear power, military industry, petrochemical industry, metallurgy, transportation, mining, water conservancy, airport, railway, fire fighting, HVAC, high-rise buildings and urban complexes.

    欢迎来到克罗森控制系统有限公司网站, 具体地址是上海市松江区石湖荡镇松蒸公路2183号23幢-7,联系人是克罗森。 主要经营公司主营:进口美国CROSEN电动执行器进口美国CROSEN气动执器,进口**低温阀门、进口**高压阀门、进口较高压氧气阀、进口旋转盘阀、进口软密封球阀、进口硬密封球阀、进口固定式球阀、进口偏心球阀、进口上装式球阀、进口焊接球阀、进口双偏心蝶阀、进口三偏心蝶阀、进口中线衬胶蝶阀、进口焊接蝶阀等。。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 万元以下。 我司是一家专业经营进口美国克罗森CROSEN,电动执行器,蝶阀的企业,拥有着良好的技术经验,公司一贯执行产品质量保证、精益求精,是各大客商不错的选择,我们将竭诚为您服务!